Date Requested: Jan 14 2025 3:25 AM
TGC Operational Capacity
TSP Name: Trunkline Gas Company, LLC (TSP: 007933062)
Post Date/Time: 01/14/2025 3:25AM
Eff Gas Day/Time: 01/13/2025 9:00AM
Measurement Basis Description: MMBtu
Sequence Number | Segment | Operationally Available Capacity | IT Indicator |
1 | ELA TO LONGVILLE | 80,000 | |
2 | WLA TO LONGVILLE | 645,000 | |
4 | NTX THROUGH LONGVILLE | 65,000 | |
5 | MAINLINE (SHAW) | 295,000 | |
6 | MAINLINE (NORTH OF TUSCOLA) | 420,000 | |
Comments and Notes:
Trunkline Gas Company does not guarantee that capacity information displayed is available at a given point or on a given leg of the Trunkline system. Nominations will be accepted subject to operator confirmation, verification and operating conditions. For further information, please contact your sales representative. Actual capacity available will depend on the actual receipt and delivery point locations that define the requested transaction path.